The media as we know it is disappearing right in front of your eyes at a very fast pace. The entertainment, fashion and information industry is also going through a major transformation. We will recognize these sectors in five years. This means lots of destruction, distress as well as tremendous opportunities for those willing to take a chance on their visions of the future. I believe the news, information and gaming will be mostly automated, run by algorithms and very few people. Broadcast and cable will mostly disappear  and some few streaming service will dominate distribution of content. The film industry will be AI driven with very few jobs for actors, directors and cinematographers. The role of a film director will be more like  a narrator whilea AI agent constructs the films and does all the rendering. We will see a brand new landscape of companies and players, a great deal of the established company being bought, merged or closed. I believe that the new media tycoons will be those that control the data and will have  a corporate structure compose  of 1000 content  branded niches.