Individual versus the collective.
The individual must become responsible for his or her well-being, inner journey and self-improvement. The government cannot do it. Let’s empower our selves, hearts, and thoughts.
Government small and non-intrusive.
The government is simply a traffic cop. The responsible individual is the engine of growth, order and prosperity.
High self-esteem is the most effective weapon against corruption.
As human beings we must understand that we are all capable of creating the life we want. We do not have to take from others. The universe is an abundant system. Scarcity is an illusion.
We are what we eat/eating is a political act.
If we eat junk, we become junk, we think junky ideas and we end up creating a world of junk. Let’s eat quality food and become quality people.
Quality of life over superficial growth.
Our economic growth must be based on the growth of the human spirit and the improvement of our lives. We need to change the measurement of our economic life and the meaning of the word “profits.” Profits must include quality of life, personal growth and enjoyment.
Learning is a human right.
Teaching people is a global duty; not having education available is a violation of human rights.
Role models are extraordinary people.
We must admire real people that have created extraordinary lives, not people created by the media. Role models are essential for the development of our human potential.
Abundance and prosperity.
The universe is abundant. We are abundant and limitless. We need to turn our minds and hearts toward our greatness, abundance and possibilities.
Consumption vs. quality of life.
We cannot fill our emptiness by consuming. Consumption must have meaning and its consequences measured. We need nourishment, creativity, encouragement, playfulness and community – not more consumption.
Individual creativity, imagination and self-expression are sacred.
Individual creativity must be respected, encouraged and protected. It is the only way out of our current broken paradigm.